How can a coaching engagement with DeLona Lang Bell help YOU?
Are you ready to take your communication leadership to the next level?
Then you’ve come to the right place. Here’s why.
Become an All-Star Communication Leader
Are you ready to take your communication leadership to the next level?
Then you’ve come to the right place. Here’s why.
Team Coaching
It takes time to develop a high performing team. But team coaching can accelerate that, free you from some of the work that requires, and infuse your team with fresh vision, collegiality and energy.
I conduct custom live team coaching sessions that can help your team soar. Bringing insights gained from working with leaders, time-tested tools, and prompted discussions, I help your team shift to thinking bigger, becoming more strategic, and managing their work better.
Individual Coaching
At our first meeting, we’ll set goals and create action steps which we’ll revisit regularly. At times I’ll assign out-of-session reflective work, but always the scope, pacing, and focus of your engagement will be driven by you.
I know it can be hard to take the first step. I too resisted the idea thinking it was a luxury. Eventually, I hired a coach because I realized the investment could pay for itself as I became a better leader.
In addition, some things are hard to talk about with your peers or your boss. An outside perspective, a place where what you say won’t go any further, and a place where you can gain insight from another professional’s experience can open up new possibilities.
Tips for the Journey
Ready? Good for you! Now that you’ve taken the step to commit to this process, make it a priority. Then be open to the “what if?” Often, our greatest obstacles come from our own limited thinking. When we open ourselves up to possibilities, that flicker of a dream can become a flame. And success breeds more success.
About DeLona
I’ve worked as a professional communication consultant with more than 140 organizations for more than two decades—and from that, I’ve had a front row seat to what the top communication leaders know. I love to share the best practices I’ve seen and to help you build excellence throughout your circle of influence.
Examples of Topics You Might Address
Creating spaces for people to grow is my passion, and it’s why I’m grateful you’ve spent a few minutes thinking about what we might do together. I’m honored that you’ve stopped by, and wherever your path leads, I wish you the big, meaningful life you were made for!
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Minding My Business
Chronicles of a Small Business Owner
For 27 years, this has been our “Why”.
Nothing can happen without communication.
I was discontented with the mediocrity I saw.
Listening has become my way of caring for others.
I cried when I watched that.
Storytelling has helped me write my own story.
We can’t ignore the adversity in our stories.
Get over the fear and make the call.
Poor communication is a real cost to business.
What I’d tell my younger self.
What makes a good story.
Communication can absolutely grow your business.
Someone understood.
Communication drives donors to give.