Milestones and Anniversaries
Make Your Company Milestones and Anniversaries a Smart Business Strategy
COMPANY MILESTONES CAN TAKE DIFFERENT FORMS. They can be an anniversary of your opening, the launch of a momentous new offering, or a turning point in your company’s history.
Because they offer a platform to get attention, they shouldn’t be seen as just a chance for a party. With careful thought, they can provide business value and a chance to deliver important messages.
Need some inspiration?
Check out our samples below:

Home Instead Tri-cities and Walla Walla 10-Year Anniversary

Port of Walla Walla 70-Year Anniversary
Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center New Patient Tower Campaign

CMBell 25-Year Anniversary

Simi Valley Hospital 50-Year Anniversary

Littleton Adventist Hospital 25-Year Anniversary

White Memorial Medical Center 100-Year Anniversary

St. Anthony North 40-Year Anniversary

Glendale Adventist Medical Center 110-Year Anniversary

San Joaquin Community Hospital Success Story

Gresham Savage Law Firm 100-Year Anniversary

Independent Colleges of Washington 60-year Anniversary